Golf Backswing Drill
This video demonstrates a drill to experience the correct backswing movement.
Getting your body and the club in a perfectly balanced position throughout the backswing is the key to producing long, accurate, and consistent golf shots. The correct motion is simple to perform.
The correct motion starts with a good top hand grip. The top hand must be rotated over toward the inside in a strong position.
During the backswing the golf club follows your straight left arm which is following the rotation of your torso. This rotation will feel like your left shoulder is turning underneath your chest toward the ground. Your head will not move down. Maintain your spine angle through out the backswing.
Initially the golf club and your left arm will feel as though they are being thrust straight up to the sky. The club will actually be following the initial plane angle established at address.
Your hips should simply rotate around without sliding backward or forward. Hip sliding will move your arms and the club off line.
Taking private lessons specifically on the back swing will get you on the right track. High speed video and a well informed PGA teaching professional are a necessity for learning the correct backswing.