Maximize Golf Shot Distance Using Hips and Shoulders as a Team
There is confusion about how the hips and shoulders should move during the golf forward swing. The problem is golfers hear “the hips must lead the shoulders” and then overdo hips leading shoulders. The lead of the hips is milliseconds in front of the shoulders. Getting the hips excessively in front of the shoulders will cause the club to travel inside out creating pushes or hooks alternately hips excessively in front of the shoulders will cause some players to compensate, making an extra motion over the top, resulting in pulls or slices. I believe golfers maximize their golf shot distance by using the hips and shoulders as a team rather than overdoing the hip turn and emphasizing the hips lead. The forward swing starts from the bottoms up, a lateral motion of your knees and hips, followed by the rotation of the hips and shoulders in unison. Using the hips and shoulders as a team will maximize golf shot distance.

The forward swing starts from the bottoms up, a lateral motion of your knees and hips, followed by the rotation of the hips and shoulders in unison.
PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill and PGA Instructor Mike Cahill are ready to help you learn how to maximize your golf shot distance by correctly using the hips and shoulders. Please come see us in Palm Springs for golf lessons or visit us for a Palm Springs Golf School, Las Vegas Golf School or Minnesota Golf School.