Palm Springs Golf Instruction Rates
Private Lessons
Single Lesson 30 minute $80*
Single Lesson 60 minutes $160*
*plus 15% facility fee
Lesson Packages
Package Lesson Four 30 minutes $300*
Package Lesson Four 60 minutes $600*
*plus 15% facility fee
Playing Lesson
On-Course Playing Lesson 90 minutes $240 (plus green fee)
Package On-Course Playing Lesson 4-90 minutes per. $899*
*additional green fee per session
Enjoy golf instruction in Palm Springs CA. Play Better Today.
For additional information or to arrange for private golf instruction in Palm Springs for yourself or your group please contact: Dave Cahill PGA Master Professional 952-994-0387, davecahill@cahillgolf.com, www.cahillgolf.com or use the contact form below:Palm Springs Golf Lessons Contact Form
What sets Cahill Golf Instruction apart?
Exceptional instructors you can trust, communicate with and relate to who possess the skills and tools to get you where you want to go.