The last several blog posts have been about goal setting. Our experience providing golf instruction at Cahill Golf and Palm Springs Golf Pro has shown us the importance of taking a student’s general golf history and utilizing targeted assessments before starting a new goal. This is basically a summary of your game — what you know and what you can do. A general golf history and self assessment will determine instructional strategies and curriculum, it helps us design a program with focused golf instruction that will get you to your goal. This is a list of assessments we use at Cahill Golf: Student Backround, Health Inventory, Golf History, Mental Toughness Skills, Tournament Rediness Questionair, Playing Skills Assesssment, Video Swing Analysis and Equipment Analysis. Assessment need not take time away from learning; assessments can be learning experiences in themselves. We utilize assessments that fit into the student’s goal. If the goal is to improve putting, the assessments would center on those that contribute to the putting goal. If the goal were to be competive golf on a national level we may utilize all asssessments, some more than once, over the course of time it takes to reach the goal. Over the next few weeks we will be posting the assessments we use. We invite you to use them to assess yourself. The first several assessments, Student Backround, Health Inventory,Golf History, Mental Toughness Skills, Tournament Rediness Questionair, can be taken with a pencil. The extensive Playing Skills Assesssment, Video Swing Analysis and Equipment Analysis must be completed outdoors preferably at a driving range or golf course. Dave uses the golf assessments and history at all Palm Springs golf schools.Most people enjoy the process of taking the assessments and are surprised at how much they learn. We hope these assessments help you reach your golf goal.
How did you become interested in golf?
What interests you about golf?
Why do you play golf?
Personal Enjoyment ___ Social ___ Work Related __ Personal Achievement __ Other __
What are your goals for your golf game?
One year goal:
Five year goal:
What is your history with golf?
What are the strong and weak parts of your game?
Have you taken golf lessons before or have you preferred to work on your swing by yourself?
If you’ve taken lessons, what really worked for you?
What didn’t?