Perfect Golf Left Arm Position Produces Perfect Shots
Create a balance of your best distance and consistency. A perfect golf left arm position will produce perfect shots. Proper left arm position at the top of the swing allows for a simple economy of motion. Your best distance and consistency will result.
To get to the top of the backswing:
1. The spine angle angle established at address must be maintained at the top of the swing.
2. You must turn your hips and shoulders perpendicular to the spine angle established at address.
3. Your fore arms easily and naturally rotate
4. Your left wrist bends only 30 degrees. It does not cup or arch.
At the top of the backswing:
5. The left arm position must be straight or nearly straight.
6. The line across your shoulders and your left arm match.
From the perfect left arm position the forward motion is greatly simplified and energized.
PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill and PGA Instructor Mike Cahill are ready to help you learn how to get into the perfect position at the top of the golf swing. Please come and visit us at our Palm Springs Golf School, Las Vegas Golf School or Minnesota Golf School.