Curing the Right to Left Loop Hook
One of the causes of hooking is having the club travel from the inside of the target line to outside of the target line while the face remains square to the original line. How does this happen? One reason is the golfers attempt to stop slicing; believing a slice coming through the ball outside in can be cured with the reverse coming through the ball inside out. The adage two wrongs don’t make a right could apply here. It will actually make a left.
An inside out loop is created by taking the club head back too far inside the plane line. Then at the top of the swing the club crosses over the plane line. Finally, on the downswing the club swings back around and underneath the plane line. The club has looped then travels through the ball inside out. There is a great deal of rotational force on the wrist and it flips the club over closing the face making the shot hook. This happens to pros and amateurs alike (Tiger W.) Curing the right to left loop hook requires staying on plane. Make sure you take the club back on plane, all the way to the top.
There are many ways golfers hook. PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill and PGA Instructor Mike Cahill can cure hooks and slices so you can play better and enjoy the game today. Please come see us in Palm Springs for golf lessons or visit us for a Palm Springs Golf School, Las Vegas Golf School or Minnesota Golf School.