Increase Power with Wrist Hinge

When Should I Cock the Wrist?

Hi, Dave Cahill here with Cahill Golf. I often get the question, “When should I cock the wrist during the back swing?” The honest answer is you can cock them at any time. But, is there a best time? I have a preference for that. Wait until the end of the back swing because waiting until late in the back swing will help you to turn your shoulders. So, keep your wrists very quiet during the beginning, through the middle and until the very end of the back swing, then there is a little cock in to the wrists. You can see in the video the shoulders have turned and there is very little cock to the wrist. The amount of wrist hinge looks like this.

Picture of Wrist Hinge or Wrist Cock in the Golf Swing

There is very little hinge or cock to the wrist.

Cock the wrist so that the back of the hand remains flat. Remember, that little cocking of the wrist happens way at the end of the back swing. It looks like this during the swing.

Where is the best place in the backswing to cock the wrist? Here

The best place in the back swing to cock the wrist is at the top.

For more information on this topic see our post, Minimal Wrist Hinge. PGA Instructor Mike Cahill and PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill are here to help you play better and enjoy the game more. If you would like to learn more about when to cock the wrist or how much wrist hinge is best please come see us in Palm Springs for golf lessons or visit us for a Palm Springs a Golf School.
PGA Instructor Mike Cahill 612-501-9015
PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill 952-994-0387