Make Three and Four Foot Putts
Dave Cahill here with Cahill Golf. I am at the Cimarron Golf Resort in Palm Springs, California. Today I will be talking about a simple method to make those tricky little three- and four-foot putts.

View the putt from a distance
The first thing I am going to do is view the putt from a distance. Stand back behind the ball on short putts and analyze the putt. Is the path to the cup uphill, downhill, sidehill? Because my putt is just a short three- to four-footer and there is not a lot of downhill or side to side, I am going to hit right to the back of the cup.

Approach the ball with eyes on the target.
So, looking straight over the ball, I approach the ball keeping my eye on the target.

With dominate hand square putter to target.
With my dominate hand I point the putter squarely at the back of the cup.

Get down low.
On these little putts get down low, eyes over the ball, hands in line below the shoulders. You can even have your arms straight if you like. Just get down low, keeping your eyes on the target.

With a clear picture of target, hit the ball.
Now that I have a clear picture of where the ball is going, my eyes go back to the ball and then immediately hit the ball.
PGA Instructor Mike Cahill and PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill are here to help you play better and enjoy the game of golf. Come see us in Palm Springs for golf lessons or visit us for a Palm Springs a Golf School.
PGA Instructor Mike Cahill 612-501-9015
PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill 952-994-0387