Fundamental 4 Drop Arms into Position
Hi Dave Cahill here with Cahill Golf. It’s a beautiful morning here in Palm Springs and today we are going to talk about Principle 4 for creating speed and consistency in the golf swing. Principle 4: During the weight transfer you must allow your arms and your club to drop down into position before you rotate.
It looks like this: I’m coming forward, transferring my weight, my sternum and hips move slightly while rolling over to my left side. Now I am loaded up during that process. Notice what happens to my arms and the club. They come down. They come down with the weight transfer. I have not even tried to rotate yet. The pressure is on my left side (against the left foot, knee and on the hip) because now I have loaded up over the left side. And now my arms have come down and they are in position. I have not done anything with my wrist, nothing with my rotation.

Fundamental 4 Arms Drop into Position
Now I turn and rotate through, maintaining my spine angle, hips and shoulders rotating through all while containing the pressure on the left side at least to this point in the finish. Together these four golf fundamentals will create a really great power system.
PGA Instructor Mike Cahill and PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill are here to help you play better and enjoy the game more. To learn more about the fundamentals of the golf swing please come see us in Palm Springs for golf lessons or visit us for a Palm Springs a Golf School.
PGA Instructor Mike Cahill 612-501-9015
PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill 952-994-0387