Putting it All Together

Stance Alignment: Establish your baseline alignment. The baseline is the line from the ball to the target. The golf ball is in the middle of the stance for a standard shot alignment. Align the heels parallel to the base line. Parallel feet are placed about 12” –...

Golf Take Away – Using the Correct Muscle Groups

Rotational Motion Drill: This motion replicates the movement of the club around the center points of the body during the swing. Setup for Drill: Stand with heels 12” apart and the center points of the hips, sternum and head in alignment. Grip your club. Rotation...

Golf Takeaway – Hips and Shoulders

The hips and shoulders rotate around and perpendicular to the spine. Lay an alignment stick on the ground pointing at your target (target line). Place your ball centered, against the address side of the stick. Grip your club. Aligning yourself to the target with heels...