Foundational Golf Grip

Foundational Golf Grip Today I will talk about the very important foundational golf grip. 1. Starting with the target side hand. If you are right handed your target side hand will be the left hand. (Left handed golfers: your target side hand will be the right hand)....

Golf Stance Width at Address

Golf Stance Width at Address Today I will talk about finding the correct golf stance width at address. Start out with your heels together (for someone my height about 6’ and using a 7 iron) separate your heels about 12 inches apart. This width is heel to heel not toe...

Arms Follow the Rotational Turn

Arms Follow the Rotational Turn In the golf swing the arms follow the rotational turn. Yet, I find a lot of players are either pushing their arms or they get down to the impact zone and pull their arms across trying to prevent a slice. Neither one of those ideas are...