Turning Perpendicular

Turning Perpendicular For Longer more Consistent Golf Shots Turning perpendicular is a key swing motion for longer more consistent golf shots. For longer more consistent shots turn shoulders and hips perpendicular to the spine. The spine angle is set at address when...

Holding the Finish

Holding the Finish Today we are going to talk a little bit about holding the finish. You’ve probably heard about players being told to pose in the finish and hold their finish position. So what is that all about and what should you be doing? Posing in the finish or...

Maximize Distance with Hip Shoulder Team

Maximize Golf Shot Distance Using Hips and Shoulders as a Team There is confusion about how the hips and shoulders should move during the golf forward swing. The problem is golfers hear “the hips must lead the shoulders” and then overdo hips leading shoulders. The...