Single Fulcrum Putting

Single Fulcrum Putting The quickest way to improve your score is with putting. Single Fulcrum Putting is the easiest method we know of to achieve expert putting. Students who have used this method tell us they are putting the best ever. Here is the Single Fulcrum...

Putting with Shoulder Fulcrum

Putting with Single Shoulder Fulcrum Single Fulcrum Putting Putting using one shoulder joint as a fulcrum point increases both accuracy and repeatability of the putting stroke. The fulcrum point is the shoulder joint of your dominant hand/arm. Practice the basic...

Easiest Golf Putting Tip

Easiest Golf Putting Tip This video titled “Easiest Golf Putting Tip”  includes helpful advice how to play golf with easiest golf putting technique from PGA Master Golf Professional Dave Cahill from Cahill Golf Schools in Palm Springs and Golf Schools in...