Golf Swing PGA Master Dave Cahill

This video titled “” Golf Swing PGA Master Dave Cahill” includes helpful advice on how to correctly use rotation in the forward swing with PGA Master Golf Professional Dave Cahill from Cahill Golf Schools in Palm Springs and Golf Schools in Las Vegas.

Golf Swing Dave Cahill PGA MP

Golf Swing Dave Cahill PGA MP

Stop Golf Slice Fix Hip Slide

Starting the golf swing forward is easy assuming you are positioned correctly at the top.
View many of our other videos for help on the back swing.
In this video pay attention to the rotational direction of my shoulders during the forward golf swing.
Notice that trailing shoulder, my right shoulder, moves down and not horizontally across.
Notice that my trailing shoulder also is moving forward down the target.
My hips are also rotating strongly and as quickly as I can rotate the along with the torso.
During this entire forward golf swing motion I do not push with my arms or wrists.
The appearance and feel is that the right shoulder and right bicep are staying very tucked in.
When the shoulder rotates and moves forward down the line with the hips weight transfer is natural.
Many players incorrectly rotate their shoulders horizontally from the top toward the ball line.

Dave Cahill of Cahill Golf Schools in Palm Springs and Las Vegas Golf Shools we can help you to rotate your torso correctly or any other faults you golf swing may have.