Repeat Best Golf Shots Video

This video titled “Repeat Best Golf Shots Video” includes helpful advice on how to Repeat Best Golf Shots with PGA Master Golf Professional Dave Cahill from Cahill Golf Schools in Palm Springs and Golf Schools in Las Vegas.

How to Golf Consistently with Cahill Golf Schools Palm Springs

How to Repeat Best Golf Shots Video with Cahill Golf Schools Palm Springs

How to Golf Consistently Well

    1. Repeating your best golf shots shots is always based on having the maximum time to correct the smallest errors. Simple motion is easier to repeat than complex.
    2. This video demonstrates both a simple back swing and a simple forward swing motion.
    3. Always keep the following few principles in mind to repeat your best golf shots.
    4. Maintain your original spine angle through out the back swing and the forward swing.
    5. Rotate your torso perpendicular to your spine angle on the forward swing and the back swing.
    6. Rotate your pelvis and your torso together.
    7. Allow your hands and arms to passively move with your rotation.
    8. And lastly, on the back swing keep your original center of gravity points steady horizontally and vertically.
    9. Repeating your best golf shots comes from a repeated motion. A motion with the smallest errors and the most time to correct is the most repeatable golf swing

Dave Cahill of Cahill Golf Schools in Palm Springs and Las Vegas Golf Shools we can help Repeat Best Golf Shots or any other faults you golf swing may have.