Do you have any physical injuries which affect your golf swing?
Do you have any physical limitations?
Describe any physical limitations that you may have that could influence the way you swing a golf club?
Describe any physical limitations that you may have that could influencer your ability to practice?
Do you exercise regularly?
If so what is your exercise program?
If not why?
In the golf swing the:NECK must rotate freely to allow full rotation of the shoulders while the head and eye position are maintained. Does your neck rotate freely?
SHOULDERS must function normally to allow and support effective arm motion to control various planes of rotation. Do your shoulder joints have any motion limiting conditions?
TRUNK must rotate freely to allow effective independent rotation of the shoulder girdle and hip girdle. Do you have any back or trunk limiting conditions?
PELVIC GIRDLE must function normally to stabilize and maintain an appropriate trunk attitude throughout the swing. HIPS must function normally to allow hip girdle rotation rather than hip girdle tilt and/or slide. Do you have a condition limiting the rotational motion of the hips?
KNEES must function normally to provide effective lower body motion and support. Do your knees allow complete support?
ANKLES must function normally to allow appropriate knee stability and motion. Are your ankles limiting support?
ELBOWS must function normally to maintain effective swing radius. Do your elbows supprt the tension from swing or is there pain?
WRISTS must function normally to create effective hinge. Do your wrists bend normally?
FINGERS must function normally for effective club control during the swing. Can all of your fingers grasp the club?