Stop Golf Slice Fix Hip Slide Video

This video titled “” Stop Golf Slice Fix Hip Slide Video” includes helpful advice on how to stop slicing with PGA Master Golf Professional Dave Cahill from Cahill Golf Schools in Palm Springs and Golf Schools in Las Vegas.

Stop Hip Slide to Stop slice

Stop Hip Slide To Stop Slice

Stop Golf Slice Fix Hip Slide

    1. Your golf slice might be caused by sliding your hips on the back swing.
    2. When the hips slide excessively on the back swing it forces you to counterbalance toward the target with your head.
    3. From this awkward position the forward swing is primed to slice.
    4. In the forward swing your hips will slide forward and your head will slide back opening the face and side swiping the ball.
    5. Try standing erect with the club shaft outstretched in front of you.  Turn your hips and shoulders.  This is how your hips turn correctly.
    6. Watch yourself swing in a mirror.  You can easily distinguish between sliding and rotating hips.
    7. Simply rotate your hips on the back swing and allow your back side knee to nearly straighten.
    8. This golf tip will help you to stop slicing

Dave Cahill of Cahill Golf Schools in Palm Springs and Las Vegas Golf Shools we can help you to stop slicing or any other faults you golf swing may have.