Toe Position Improves Shot Making

Today we are going to talk about the stance once again, specifically about how toe position can improve shot making.

At address instead of pointing toes straight ahead we are going to take our target side foot and we are going to open that foot position just a little bit. Toe position will depend somewhat on an individual’s flexibility. If you have some problems with flexibility in your hips, open the stance a bit more. Similarly with our back foot we might open it just a little bit if the hips are very flexible but if the hips have some flexibility problems we are going to open the stance even a bit more. Opening the stance by pointing the toes outward a little bit on both side will help us will help us to rotate through the swing.

So in review always open the stance just a small amount on the left and perhaps a little on the right. I you are experiencing flexibility problems open it up more. A slightly open golf stance will help you to swing through very freely.

Flexibility causing problems with rotating through the golf swing? PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill and PGA Instructor Mike Cahill are ready to help find solutions. Please come see us in Palm Springs for golf lessons or visit us for a Palm Springs Golf School, Las Vegas Golf School or Minnesota Golf School. In addition to being PGA members Dave and Mike are TPI Certified golf fitness instructors and Certified Health & wellness coaches.