Turning Perpendicular
For Longer more Consistent Golf Shots
Turning perpendicular is a key swing motion for longer more consistent golf shots. For longer more consistent shots turn shoulders and hips perpendicular to the spine. The spine angle is set at address when the golfer stands erect and bows forward, letting the hips drop back. Relax the upper back. Let the arms hang down. Relax the knees a bit.
With the spine angle set at address rotate the shoulders at a 90 degree angle to the spine. Keep the shoulders perpendicular to the spine throughout the swing.
Rotate the hips and shoulders back and through. The arms will follow the turn. The left arm will end perfectly in line will the shoulder line at the top of the backswing.
On the downswing turn perpendicular to the spine angle down and at the ball. The spine angle remains in the same position. The spine does not go up or down as it would change the angle.
PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill and PGA Instructor Mike Cahill are ready to help you learn how to hit longer more consistent shots by turning shoulders and hips perpendicular to the spine. Please come see us in Palm Springs for golf lessons or visit us for a Palm Springs Golf School, Las Vegas Golf School or Minnesota Golf School.