During Cahill golf lessons we frequently ask students to compare two different positions. Physical skills research has found that the learning process is accelerated when students can compare the feel or look of a new position or motion with the old motion.  For example during a back swing compare minimal hip rotation with full hip rotation.  PGA Master Professional Dave Cahill, asks students to move into the problem swing position and then into the new position repeatedly during a golf lesson. Cahill Golf instructors have found that this helps golf students know where their bodies are in space.  After a golf lesson students can practice comparing and contrasting the new move with the old by looking in a mirror.  Adding the mirror as an additional feedback further enhances the golf learning process. Research has found it takes approximately 1500 correct repetitions to cement a new golf swing motion.  Cahill golf utilizes training methods to speed up the golf instruction process at Cahill golf schools in Palm Springs.